Thyroid- symptoms Foods to eat and Avoid.


Thyroid is the gland present in front of the neck of human body . It is butterfly shaped . It receives signal from TSH ( pituitary gland )and secrets Thyroid harmone.

It keeps the body function normal.It helps in 




4. Energy.

It’s incredibly important to keep thyroid hormones in balance.

If the gland releases Harmone in high levels. It is over production and is said  Hyperthyroidism

It causes fast heartbeat, increased appetite, anxiety, sensitivity to heat.

When It release harmone in less amount it is called Hypothyroidism. which causes deliberation of development in humans.

Thyroid is often inherited.

It is approximate 200 million people in the world have some form of thyroid disease.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism.

It can cause symptoms like 

1. Tiredness.

2. Weight gain.

3. increased appetite.

4. Nervousness.

5. Restlessness.

6. inability to concentrate.


8. Slow heartbeat.

9. Difficulty sleeping.

10. Itching.

11. Dry hair

12. nausea.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism .

1. Hair loss.

2. Bulging eyes.

3. Goitre

4. Rapid heartbeat

5. Weight loss.

6. Diarrhea

Any disturbance in the thyroid can affect:

1. Metabolism.
2. Body temperature.
3. Blood pressure and heart function.
4. Muscle strength.
5.Menstrual cycles.
6.Cholesterol levels.
8.The central nervous system.

But if you eat right and take medications. it will improve its functioning.  

Eat Low Fat Foods.

What Foods to avoid? 

1. Highly processed food that contains a lot of calories.

Like cakes, Cookies ,doughnuts Peanut butter , Milk chocolate.

2. All varieties of Millets.
jowar  ragi korra, b
ajra , chena/bar.

3. Avoid Fast food


5. Mashrooms.

6. Carbonated soft drinks.

7. Avoid Soy products.

Foods made from soybeans

8.Foods with too much high fibre as it effects the absorption of thyroid medicens.

9. Foods that Goitrogens.

Like pea nuts 

10. Iodine is necessary for Thyroid as it makes it's food from it but Avoid taking much iodine in food.

11. Those vegetables which contains high fibre 

broccoli, cabbage, spinach.

Caffeine and alcohol is also harmful.

Foods to eat

1. Gluten-free grains and seeds: rice, quinoa, chia seeds, and flax seeds.

2. Eggs , Fish , Lean meat.

3. Antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables

Including berries, watermelon, cherries, pears, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, etc.

4.Lemon ,wallnuts , honey.

5. Orange juice fruits.

6. All dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.

Iron, selenium , zinc are one of great nutrients for thyroid.

By Aakila
